A Day in the Life of the Reids

Olivia, McCall, Boston

Saturday, November 22, 2008

It really is our most favorite time of year

We usually wait until after Thanksgiving to deck the halls but this year we just couldn't wait. We figured since we will be in Utah for half of December that we would get an early start. Since we have been married Ryan's least favorite thing has always been to put the lights on the Christmas tree, but now that we have a pre-lit artificial he gets to "fluff" the branches. I think it's pretty safe to say this is now his new least favorite thing. (That and changing the girls beds from twin beds to bunk beds every few months.) The girls had so much fun decorating their tree and were so proud of their decorating skills. Boston had the time of his life wearing Santa's sleigh bells around his waist all morning and playing the singing snowman over, and over, and over... the rest of us desperately wished we had earplugs. We are officially ready for Christmas! Now, if we could just get the kids to trust us that Santa really will find us at Grandmas.


Megan said...

So cute. I think I am going to have to go decorate my house now too. We will be in Utah over Christmas too so maybe we can get together, but it will kind of be tough for me. We have plans with both families and Savannahs baptism and we will only be there for a week. Keep in touch.

Amy Harrison said...

It is so exciting this time of year! I think we're putting up Christmas stuff throughout this week but will wait for the tree till we get back from UT (we get a live one). So sad we're not going to see you guys there. Hopefully we'll meet up soon after the holidays. Love you all!

Katie said...

Looks so festive! I love nothing more than having a festive Christmassy house!

If you have any time over Christmas, Sam and I could drive down and meet for breakfast or something again! We've been craving those Cracker Barrel hash browns!

Stacie said...

I bet you are excited to come to utah and see all your family and friends. We miss you and hope you have a fun and safe holiday. Ryan looks like he is already an expert at fluffing, can he come to my house the garland fluffing is the worst job for me.

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